Plastic Art and Freedom of Expression
We need to break all customs, traditions and surface thinking to which the society or the environment that we belong to restrict us. This would not happen unless we insist to express freely. The constant stylization and subjection to follow the model of old generation and the prevailing style of life, all kill the spirit of creativity of the real creator and the creative work as well.
Creativity in our country as in the Arabic world is really in a crisis. All know the reality of Arabic creativity and all know about thousands of talents who left our country to achieve what they could not achieve here in our country. All we need is real culture and we need the concerned parties with culture to understand what culture does mean and what creativity does mean. Unfortunately, all who are in charge of culture are of no relation to culture, and this is what stopped our progress.
Part of Plastic Art and Freedom of Expression by Ghada Al-Hadad in Freedom Forum