Guarantees of Freedom of Expression in Yemen
Damanat Foundation for Rights and Freedoms has in collaboration with the Cultural Resource within the project of Initiatives and Local and Regional Projects, Published A book entitled Guarantees of Freedom of Expression in Yemen during the period August 2017 till March 2018.
The project aims to identify the prospects of raising the limits of freedom of expression in Yemen through working with the creative, intellectual and knowledge practitioners, to develop a policy that serve freedom of expression to be submitted to relevant governmental institutions to be adopted when dealing with the intellectual, creative and knowledge production and to adopt this policy as a way to deal with the audience in general including audience and beneficiaries from the services provided by these public institutions that are related to knowledge and information flow which are based on prohibition or opening of the creativity and activity in the street or at the level of Internet. The project will activate a monthly forum for 6 forums to discuss the situation of freedom of expression and its policies and the possibilities available to develop and advocate them and to control how they are obeyed and the violations made by the existing government within a specialized monthly meeting contains every month one class of the classes who are practitioners in the creativity and intellectual and knowledge involving:
1. CBO and Youth Initiatives
2. Rights activists, interested in freedoms, culture activists, independent creators as well as plastic artists and photographers
3. Journalists, broadcasters and websites owners
4. Practitioners in music, singing and voice
5. Business companies that work in arts, culture and creative industry
Then the project will publish a book that contains working papers and the proposed policy about freedom of expression in Yemen to be inaugurated in a public ceremony